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Come One, Come All

Glacier Ridge Reads

"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered to them as a precious gift." — Kate DiCamillo

Reading for pleasure builds lifelong readers. At Glacier Ridge we grow a culture of reading for pleasure. We model, share, and celebrate the gift of reading every month at Glacier Ridge Reads. As a community, we foster the love of reading with children and reinforce why we read. When we partner with families to communicate the message to children, we strengthen the message and build a bond between home and school.

We are thrilled that students and parents take an active part in in our Glacier Ridge Reads monthly literacy nights. By attending you are showing your child that you value literacy and are an active participant in their learning. A constant of every evening is the chance to check out six books as a family. We encourage you to let your child choose a few books of their own, and then choose a few books together that you can share over the course of the weeks prior to the next Glacier Ridge Reads.

Many of our literacy nights are designed with promoting digital literacy as well. We have offered digital presentations/games, video presentations, and audio connections as well. The reason for this is not only to help make the night entertaining, but to share with parents the technical connection of what our students are learning. What you see during these evenings is only a small slice of what is happening each day in our classrooms. At Glacier we are committed to providing a technology rich learning environment as it applies to literacy overall since our students will live in an increasingly digital world.

If you haven’t had a chance to attend Glacier Ride Reads, we highly encourage you to do so. Together we foster the love of lifelong reading.

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